Grand Island Photos

Grand Island flowers

Wildflowers were my first potography subjects, back before I got a good camera with a long lens. I still enjoy the hunt for flowers in all seasons, poking around the sheltered areas in early spring and searching the tall grasses of summer for tiny blooms. Not all are identified yet. Peterson's Guides and Newcomb Wildflower Guide are indespensible. I do find it very interesting how wildflowers often have several different names.

Dame's rocket Common fleabane Wild Madder Canada anenome Common fleabane Buttercups Ox eye daisy Blackberry Cow parsnip Birdsfoot trefoil img_8837.jpg A mallow of some sort? Red clover Field of daisies, clover and trefoil img_8853.jpg Escaped rose? 00000 Multiflora rose Gray Dogwood Fox-and-cubs img_8882.jpg Mossy stonecrop img_8912.jpg img_8914.jpg Bittersweet nightshade img_9072.jpg Hedge bindweed Crown vetch Apple img_9153.jpg Moneywort Flowering rush Cow vetch Milkweed Chickory White sweet clover Moth Mullein Moth Mullein Marsh hedge nettle Canada thistle Viper's bugloss Cattail Mustard Wild lettuce Catnip Spotted touch-me-not Downy willow herb Wild bergamot Buttonbush Common mullein next to last year's gowth, now overgrown with bindweed Stinging nettle White snakeroot Rough cinquefoil Sweet-scented joe pye weed Wild bergamot Oxeye Star flowered solomon' seal Jack-in-the-pulpit Jack-in-the-pulpit img_2898.jpg Boneset Rose Mallow img_2879.jpg img_2960.jpg img_3124.jpg Tiger lily Common Toadflax Heal-all img_8770.jpg Blue Flag Iris img_8826.jpg img_3121.jpg img_2964.jpg Burdock Cocklebur Fringed loostrife Marsh Marigold Evening primrose False dragonhead Teasel Teasel Bull thistle








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