Grand Island Photos

Grand Island wildlife

Birds are my main passion, but if I can get a good focus on any other living thing, I'll snap that shot, too. There are a few creatures I have seen that are just so darn hard to get a picture. Foxes, chipmunks and many interesting insects move a bit too fast or come out only in dusk, so their pictures will be a long ime coming.
One may wonder why I put fungus on this page. Well, it is because they are not flowers (not even plants) so they don't belong on the “wildflowers” page. I guess I could name this album "other living things," but that sounds way too geeky.

Racoon East Marsh raccoon on wood duck(?) nesting box American Mink img_5992.jpg Deer by North Bridge A Curious Cottontail Rabbit img_7876.jpg American red squirrel American red squirrell img_3395.jpg img_3505.jpg A black morph grey squirrel Confused Mouse Beaver in Woods Creek Woodchuck Dog and Racoon footprints Snapping turtle laying eggs Painted Turtle Hatchling(?) painted turtle img_7104.jpg Garter Snake Garter snake Leopard Frog Leopard Frog Jumping carp Underwater at Grass Island Partial carcass of a crayfish Daring jumping spider Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Spicebush Swallowtail Giant Swallowtail Bronze Copper Monarch Monarch White Admiral White Admiral Common Buckeye Question Mark Question Mark Mourning cloak Red Admiral Common Ringlet Cabbage White Cabbage White img_3477.jpg Fall Webworm Common Darter Common Whitetail Common Bluetail Damselfly Hover Fly img_3143.jpg img_3485.jpg Columns of caddis fly hatching on West River Parkway Banded wood snail or Grovesnail Oval Amber Snail Multiple levels of shelf fungus img_3368.jpg img_7499.jpg








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